-: The Polygloss :-


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Maths:Circles Infinity Parallels

Polytopes:Home Intro

Hyperspace:Home Intro Time Width Walls Bridges Rounds

Rotate:Home Wheels Earth

Mirrors:Home Edges Dynkin Stott Laces


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Polytope Naming convention.

The Maths behind polytopes.

Walls and Bridges: The view from Six Dimensions.

About the Polygloss *

This is the Polygloss, a polytope glossary. The polygloss started life off as a dictionary, but some information is better included by way of extended matter.
email: wykrieger@hotmail·com
      The email address is grep-proof, but not agrep or vgrep proof.

Wendy Krieger
email: wykrieger@hotmail·com
      The email address is grep-proof, but not agrep or vgrep proof.

The polygloss is largely intended to be also downloaded. You can tell if a link will take you online if you are off-line:

© 2003-2009 Wendy Krieger